Lately I've been making a lot of bad art. I realize art is subjective and "in the eye of the beholder," but what I mean is--the paintings I've been making aren't meeting my own standards of what I consider good. Often, this makes me feel defeated. Especially because my time to paint is limited, so I end up feeling like it's wasted time. But if we view our art practice as exploration, we need to have the freedom to explore our whims and take risks. Sometimes the risks don't work out, but sometimes you get an art breakthrough that makes all the difference for future works.
Therefore nothing is wasted! Not time, not even materials (except for paint). If it's bad art on wood panel or canvas, I can gesso over it and start fresh. If it's bad art on paper, I keep it in a folder in a file drawer to cut up and use in collage someday. It's nice to look through that folder to see where I've been artistically and it's worth a good chuckle. Not right away, but when the heartbreak isn't still fresh. Happy painting, friends.
1 comment
So you’re telling me everything you do isn’t amazing? I don’t believe it. Also what does gesso mean? :)